Apartheid Rhetoric

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Alternative Information Center (AIC) Profile

AIC is a radical political organization run by individuals with links to the Trotskyite anti-Zionist Revolutionary Communist League (Matzpen) and the PFLP. Funders include: Diakonia (Swedish government), Christian Aid (Irish government), and Sodepau (Catalan government in Spain). AIC rhetoric includes: [Sanctions] can provide an excellent framework to fight normalization with Israel. Shimon Peres is definitely an enemy of the Palestinian people, of human rights and of peace. Only the choice of resistance can put an end to the occupation. Barak and the rest of them to Nuremberg!


Antisemitic NGO Forum resurfaces for 2009 Durban Review Conference

Using subterfuge, a number of radical NGOs have announced a civil society forum. The objective is to emulate the infamous 2001 Durban NGO Forum, which was characterized by antisemitic violence, and the demonization and delegitimization of Israel. A large public demonstration with activists is planned for Saturday afternoon. The Civil Society Forum is closely linked to the Israel Review Conference, to promote anti-Israel boycotts. In contrast to the Durban event, the 2009 civil society forum in Geneva does not have official UN support.


Norwegian NGO Funding: Boycotts and Apartheid Rhetoric instead of Peace and Coexistence

Norway provides tens of millions of kroner annually to NGOs that are involved in anti-Israel boycott campaigns and the Stop the Wall Campaign in Norway. Norway also funds extreme Israeli and Palestinian groups. Norwegian Peoples Aid accuses Israel of "war crimes" and "collective punishment," and uses "apartheid" rhetoric. A NORWAC member, Dr. Mads Gilbert has engaged in radical propaganda, including justifying the 9/11 attacks and false claims on the Gaza conflict. Norwegian Church Aid is an "important affiliate" of the Stop the Wall Campaign in Norway.


Partnerships for Peace? An Analysis of the European Commission's NGO funding under the PfP Program

Many of the "civil society" organizations funded under the ECs Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP) exacerbate the conflict and promote biased campaigns against Israel. Some NGOs use rhetoric that promotes the Palestinian narrative and demonization of Israel, including "apartheid," "state terrorism," "naqba," "colonization," and "ghettos." The prime activities of some EC-funded NGOs in this framework are focused on interfering with and manipulating Israeli democracy and politics. EC officials claim to receive professional evaluations of the impact of these projects, but such evaluations are not made available for review.


Durban Review Conference Alert: EAFORD - Three decades of Promoting "Zionism equals racism"

EAFORD uses its ECOSOC status to promote campaigns declaring that "Zionism equals racism" and demonization based on "apartheid." They have accused Israel of a "Holocaust" against the Palestinian people and characterized terrorism as "resistance." EAFORD was very active in the framework of the NGO Forum of the 2001 Durban Conference, claiming that Zionism is based on "purity of the race, and distinctiveness from other people" which "seems to bear close resemblance to ...Fascism and Nazism," and is seeking another UN-sponsored NGO Forum at the 2009 Durban Review Conference.


HRW Hires Another pro-Palestinian Activist

The addition of Nadia Barhoum, a pro-Palestinian campus activist, to HRWs Middle East and North Africa Division, increases the political bias reflected in the activities and backgrounds of Sarah Leah Whitson, Joe Stork, and previous staff. This is inconsistent with HRWs claimed "even-handedness and accuracy." Barhoum was an active member in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of California, Berkeley. SJP promotes the Durban agenda of demonization of Israel, divestment from Israel, and uses terms such as "apartheid" and "mass atrocities" in reference to Israel.


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