Apartheid Rhetoric

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A Clouded EU Presidency: Swedish Funding for NGO Rejectionism

On July 1, 2009, Sweden will assume the presidency of the European Union. Swedens role in funding numerous NGOs that pursue radical political agendas, including rejecting any form of normalization with Israel, fuels the conflict. Diakonia international law project that uses distorted and misleading interpretations of international law. Funding for the AIC, PCHR, and Al-Haq. Sabeels Nakba Memory program. Other NGO grantees use apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and massacres rhetoric. Many NGOs receive Swedish funding from multiple sources, raising questions about administrative procedures and oversight.


York University's Israel/Palestine Conference: Speaker Political Profiles - Behind the Academic Facade

York University will hold a conference Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace. The vast majority of the speakers are virulent anti-Israel activists, far removed from an academic approach, who use apartheid rhetoric. There is no evidence of the robust academic critique claimed by the organizers. Their support for a one state solution is the equivalent of calling for the elimination of the State of Israel. Speakers include: Ali Abunimah, Jeff Halper, Naeem Jeenah, Mazin Qumsiyeh, and Marc Ellis.


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