Apartheid Rhetoric

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EIDHR: Additional European Funding for Mideast Conflict Groups

In 2009, the European Commission allocated 2,007,051 through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) for Israeli and Palestinian NGOs. Highly politicized Israeli NGOs include ICAHD, Machsom Watch, Adalah, ACRI, and Yesh Din. Some grantees use rhetoric that demonizes Israel, including apartheid and war crimes. 2008 EIDHR recipients included BTselem, Breaking the Silence, Gisha, HaMoked, and PHR-I. The EC claims to have evaluations of NGO funding, but these are not made available.


Israeli Apartheid Week 2010: NGO Involvement

Israeli Apartheid Week (March 1-14, 2010), held in universities and major cities in the US, Canada, and Europe, will feature speakers from NGOs: Adalah (funded by NIF and EU), AIC (Sweden and Christian Aid), PCHR (EU, Oxfam NOVIB, OSI, Christian Aid), Addameer, Badil. A video by Breaking the Silence will be screened in Connecticut. Israeli Apartheid Week is endorsed by Canadian Arab Federation, Independent Jewish Voices, CODEPINK, Adalah-NY, and others.


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