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BADIL - Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights

At the Durban Review Conference PrepCom (October 6-17), BADIL accused Israel of "systematic ethnic cleansing" and "institutionalized racism and discrimination" which "constitutes a root cause of consequence of the ongoing internal forcible displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people." These statements are part of its campaign for the "right of return of the Palestinian people," and in pursuit of the "Durban strategy" of demonization. BADIL is funded by Trocaire (Ireland), Norway, Switzerland, Oxfam, and others.



Sadaka-Reut presents a highly polarizing and one-sided narrative of Palestinian victimization and Israeli guilt. Through its partnerships with groups that reject the legitimacy of Jewish sovereignty in Israel and repeatedly emphasize Israel’s alleged systematic discrimination and the “Nakba,” young participants are presented with a simplistic, biased and divisive perspective.


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