Analysis of NGO Agendas and Distortions on the Gaza Conflict
As in previous rounds of the Arab-Israeli conflict, political NGOs have issued numerous unfound statements condemning Israel.
As in previous rounds of the Arab-Israeli conflict, political NGOs have issued numerous unfound statements condemning Israel.
BTselems claim to distinguish between civilian and combat deaths in this report is based on manipulated definitions and speculation, and the application of existing legal standards would result in very different conclusions.
Problematic and unsupported NGO casualty statistics were repeated in the media, the Goldstone Report, and other NGO publications. Will they be re-evaluated?
The Goldstone Mission chose officials from radical anti-Israel NGOs to testify including Al Haq, AIC, and the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP). The GCMHP representative used Nazi rhetoric. HRW has obsessively supported Goldstone, who was a member of HRWs board. The process for the selection of witnesses are completely hidden, and some including PCHR were not made public. Seven NIF-funded Israeli NGOs claimed that Israel acted punitive[ly] and deliberately and knowingly shelled civilian institutions. The Mission has violated the London-Lund guidelines, lacking objectivity, transparency, neutrality, and professionalism.