Tareq al-Suwaidan
Tareq al-Suwaidan is a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Kuwait, educated in the US, and a well known figure on Arab television. He manages the Al-Risala television station, which is owned by Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. While al-Suwaidan presents himself as a moderate, he has alleged ties to Hamas, espouses antisemitic views, and supports terrorist attacks against Israel.
al-Suwaidan was an “Un-indicted Co-conspirator and/or Joint Venturer” in the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development case – in which funds were raised for Hamas in the US.
He has recently (March 26, 2012) voiced antisemitic views in an interview (see MEMRI transcript here and video here), and incites to violence against Israel, including within the 1948 lines:
- “Power lies with the politicians, who are influenced by two things and two things only: money and the media, both of which are controlled by the Jews.”
- “The most dangerous thing facing the Muslims is not the dictatorships. The absolutely most dangerous thing is the Jews. They are the most dangerous. They are the greatest enemy.”
- “We must support the armed resistance in Gaza, and if possible, we must spread it to the West Bank, and even to Palestine [within the 1948 borders]. If we can, we should do that. Third, the countries bordering [Israel] must be serious in their resistance to the Zionist entity.”
More statements of interest: “The Palestinian Authority, with its spineless positions, has a major part in the loss of the Palestinian cause. When the PA is replaced, and becomes serious about confronting the Zionist enemy, and about the option of resistance – that’s when we will have hope. That’s why I call upon the Palestinian youth to adopt the slogan: The people wants to change the PA to an authority that views resistance as its strategic option. […] The other day, I was asking myself: why shouldn’t I personally go on Jihad? First of all, my body cannot stand it. Secondly, is what I am doing any less important than Jihad?” (Interview from June 4, 2011, see MEMRI transcript here).