NGOs demand special access while campaigning against IDF
On September 13, 2009, the IDF’s Gaza District Coordinating Office sent a letter to three Israeli NGOs – Gisha, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, and HaMoked – ending their special access regarding entry of Palestinians from Gaza into Israel, and directing them to follow the proper procedures. For years, these groups had been circumventing established mechanisms: instead of submitting requests via the Palestinian Authority, per the Interim Agreements, these groups lobbied the Israeli government directly. According to an IDF official, NGOs would “interfere in that mechanism [and]…just get in the way, instead of doing it right.”
Although these groups are centrally involved in promoting allegations that the IDF committed “war crimes” and violated international law (for instance, PHR-I’s inflammatory submission to the Goldstone mission), they continue to demand privileged status. These three NGOs have also accused the IDF of a “boycott directed solely against the human rights organizations.”