NGOs Continue Goldstone Campaign
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon “declared himself satisfied” with Israel’s 46-page response to the Goldstone report, which was released on February 2, 2010. The paper discusses the credibility of Israel’s due process, as well as civilian oversight of the IDF’s investigations into 150 separate incidents. The report also challenges four of the Goldstone report’s 36 specific allegations.
In contrast, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW) criticized Ban’s lack of an “evaluative assessment.” HRW, which released 34 documents endorsing the Goldstone report in 2009, issued a standard condemnation of Israel’s “inadequate” investigations. Amnesty and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) made similar claims against the credibility of Israel’s report.
Moreover, Israeli and Palestinian NGOs that strongly endorsed the Goldstone report rejected the credibility of Israel’s response even before its release. For instance, Adalah published a 17-page paper claiming that Israel’s military investigations do not comply with international standards or guarantee accountability for victims. This is another example of Adalah’s international campaign to discredit the Israeli justice system, while simultaneously benefiting from direct and repeated access to Israeli courts.