Dershowitz on Amnestys Failings; Amnesty Issues Another Condemnation
In an op-ed appearing in ‘s National Post , Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz called attention to Amnesty International’s debilitating anti-Israel bias, which prevents them from effectively addressing human rights issues. "By heaping disproportionate blame for the evils of the world on the Jewish state, these anti-Israel zealots are not only ignoring the real problems faced by many, they are also providing excuses to the perpetrators of real evils."
Alan M. Dershowitz, "Scapegoat to the World" , National Post , September 17, 2005
(See also Alan M. Dershowitz,"Ugly iceberg of bigotry", Jerusalem Post , October 12, 2005)
After referring to NGO Monitor analyses, Dershowitz concludes: "There is no indication that, even as the Jewish state takes painful steps toward peace, these unjustified attacks are diminishing." The following Amnesty press release illustrates the point by focusing solely on the effects on Palestinians of security measures, while ignoring the terrorism which continues to necessitate their implementation.
"Israel/Occupied Territories: Prolonged Closure of the Gaza-Egypt Border and Arbitrary Restrictions to Freedom of Movement should be Lifted" , Amnesty International , October 7, 2005