A Palestinian kindergarten in Gaza indoctrinates young children to hate Israel and to strive to commit violent acts. Ironically, international donors work with this same kindergarten on projects aimed at protecting children from violence and exploitation.

On May 26, 2018, the Dar al Huda kindergarten in Gaza held a graduation ceremony that included the mock killing and kidnapping of Israelis by children dressed as combatants. The simulation included sophisticated equipment such as drones, body cameras, military fatigues, body armor, and sniper camouflage. Children wore headbands representing Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), designated as a terrorist organization by the US, EU, and others.

According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Dar al Huda held similarly exploitative military-style events in in 2017 and 2016.

These celebrations both highlight the rampant incitement to violence and indoctrination of children by Palestinian institutions, as well as the failure of international donors to adequately examine grantees.  The relationship between the funders and the kindergarten where incitement takes place adds to the resources available for this indoctrination and gives the terrorist organization international legitimacy.


Swedish-Government Funding

On May 18, 2018, the Swedish government, together with Save the Children and the Palestinian Centre for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR) (see below), sponsored a workshop at the Dar al Huda kindergarten “Training of Teachers on Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching.”

Screenshot from Dar al Huda Facebook page, November 18, 2018 https://www.facebook.com/huda.prschool/photos/a.853916881290457/2451958264819636/?type=3&theater

  • According to the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), the Swedish government committed approximately $2 million to Save the Children for a 2017-2019 West Bank and Gaza project designed to “address the systemic nature of violence (corporal punishment/physical and humiliating behaviors, physical and sexual abuse) against children,” and to ensure that “such violations are reported, documented, and addressed, and violators are held accountable, and by supporting positive discipline approaches within society.”

Palestinian Centre for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR)

Foreign-funded projects in Gaza where PCDCR is a partner (source: UN Financial Tracking Service database)

European Commission$182,481

*Additionally, NGO Monitor has identified PCDCR as a partner on a Norwegian government-funded NOK 22 million (2019-2023) grant to Save the Children Norway. According to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the project is meant to document violations of children’s rights in the West Bank and Gaza.

PCDCR is listed as a partner on a NOK 50 million Norwegian People’s Aid project (2016-2019) that is funded by the Norwegian government.

Save the Children

Grants to Save the Children for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza (amounts in $US)

European Union211,268633,8031,056,338
United States3,651,492