Adalah declares support for "supranational regime in all of historic Palestine"
As NGO Monitor reported, Adalah (funded by the European Union and the New Israel Fund) proposed its "Democratic Constitution" in March 2007, calling on Israel “to recognize its responsibility for past injustices suffered by the Palestinian people…[and] the right of return of the Palestinian refugees.” It also proposed the abolition of the “Law of Return,” – a position tantamount to delegitimizing Israel’s status as the homeland for the Jewish people. Adalah also demanded that Palestinians who marry Israeli citizens be granted automatic citizenship – a position that is not reflected in most democracies including France, Britain, and the U.S. Under Adalah’s “Democratic Constitution”, the State of Israel would be a “democratic, bilingual and multicultural” state, and immigration of Jews would not be permitted unless for "humanitarian reasons."
Going further in seeking to change the character of Israel, a December 20, 2007 article in Ha’aretz notes that Adalah is "considering a proposal calling for a ‘democratic constitution for a supranational regime in all of historic Palestine,’ including the territory of Israel and the Palestinian Authority." Adalah sources claim this will "not aim to do away with Israel or delegitimize its existence," but "is meant in large part to ensure that the Palestinian refugees can fulfill their right of return."
Despite Adalah Director Hassan Jabareen’s rebuff of the suggestion that this latest proposal "does not recognize Israel’s borders,” the proposal echoes the "one state solutions" that are promoted by radical Palestinian and anti-Israel groups. The support for "right of return" claims and the supranational framework are further evidence of Adalah’s position – which rejects Israel as a democratic and a Jewish state. Demands that Palestinians be granted a full "right of return" is a "euphemism for the demographic destruction of Israel." This is also consistent with Adalah’s submissions to the United Nations, including the language of demonization.