In an example of fulfilling the mandate to promote universal human rights, several NGOs who place disproportionate focus on Israel have issued statements regarding the situation in Darfur.  On April 16, 2007, Oxfam issued a press release, launching a £5 million appeal for “’world’s greatest humanitarian crisis’, to help people in Chad and Darfur.”  HRW issued a statement calling on “concerned governments” to “impose targeted sanctions against Sudanese officials unless Khartoum immediately agrees to the full deployment of the proposed 20,000-member hybrid international peacekeeping force for Darfur.”  HRW Toronto hosted an event with Irwin Cotler on April 26 and urged “Canada to take the lead in the international community’s response to end the violence in Darfur.”  On April 27, Christian Aid and Caritas launched an emergency appeal. Amnesty International held a worldwide event on April 29, “to mark the fourth anniversary since the start of the conflict in Darfur.”  In addition to these NGO efforts, the Ford Foundation has provided funding for a Tel Aviv University legal clinic to help Sudanese refugees.