North America

The United States and Canada are not immune to the negative consequences of NGO funding. While not as extensive as the problems in Europe, some American funding does support pro-BDS groups.

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McCollum’s HR 2590: False Claims, Distortions, and Missing Context

On April 15, 2021, Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced the “U.S. Commitment to the Universal Human Rights of Palestinians Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.” This is McCollum’s third such bill in recent years – written in conjunction with anti-Israel NGOs, and meant to advance BDS and demonization of Israeli companies and defense forces.


CUNY Law Teams Up with PFLP-Linked NGO on UN Submission

On January 11, 2019, CUNY School of Law Human Rights and Gender Justice Law Clinic and Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P) filed a joint submission to the UN Commission of Inquiry into the Gaza border violence. The submission is replete with egregiously false statements, gross distortions of the law and the facts, and the whitewashing of terror groups including Hamas.


NGO Monitor Submission to the State Department 2018 Human Rights Report on Israel, the Golan Heights the West Bank, and Gaza

NGO Monitor prepared this submission to the US State Dept to inform and improve the process by which the State Department prepares its annual Human Rights Report on Israel, Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza.


The Center for Constitutional Rights’ Vilification of Social Justice

From April 29 – May 6, 2018, the Center for Constitutional Rights led a trip to Israel and the West Bank labeled as the “Justice Delegation.” This trip, made up of self-proclaimed social justice advocates, claimed to provide a “better understand[ing of] the human rights situation in Israel and Palestine.” In sharp contrast, participants met exclusively Palestinian and Israeli organizations that promote a one-sided Palestinian narrative of the conflict.


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