USG Funding to Gaza and WB in 2024: More Money, Less Transparency
The US government has dramatically increased funding for projects in Gaza and the West Bank in 2024. In parallel, it has drastically decreased transparency.
The United States and Canada are not immune to the negative consequences of NGO funding. While not as extensive as the problems in Europe, some American funding does support pro-BDS groups.
The US government has dramatically increased funding for projects in Gaza and the West Bank in 2024. In parallel, it has drastically decreased transparency.
NGO Monitor’s mapping of Canadian anti-Israel groups, partnerships, and funding shows the extent of NGO cooperation in advancing their agendas of isolating Israel and attacking the Jewish State’s supporters (and perceived supporters).
Samidoun drives anti-Israel and antisemitic campaigns in the US and Canada – including on university campuses. Samidoun's partners are already well-known as leading members of the anti-Israel network in North America, and many of which have already been criticized by elected officials.
NGO Monitor has repeatedly warned of the dangers of aid diversion by terrorist organizations – including in Lebanon, Gaza, and Yemen
On August 19-22, the Democratic Party is scheduled to host its convention in Chicago. “March on the DNC” – a loose network of nearly 100 NGOs – intends to protest in Chicago, demanding that Democrats adopt anti-Israel policies.
In this mapping, NGO Monitor identifies 157 groups that are part of a network of NGOs, partnerships, and funding – responsible for anti-Israel advocacy and antisemitism in the United States in the aftermath of October 7th.
NRC consistently advocates that the US and other Western donors to prioritize access for humanitarian organizations over anti-terror considerations. Similarly, it lobbies Federal agencies to change policy to reduce anti-terror vetting standards, as well as helping to develop mechanisms to circumvent them.
Existing US policies and partnerships with irresponsible NGOs raise concerns that this aid is susceptible to diversion by terrorist groups – primarily by the Houthis
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – which participated in the October 7th atrocities and is designated as a terrorist group by the US, Canada, the EU, and Israel – has had a strong presence at encampments, demonstrations, and riots on American college campuses. In addition, Samidoun, an NGO designated by Israel as a terrorist group and a “subsidiary” of the PFLP, can be seen on posters promoting the PFLP, and its officials have preached “resistance” (code for terrorism) at campus events
The exponential rise in antisemitic violence, incitement, intimidation, and harassment on and around campuses in the United States is tightly coordinated and well-funded by a network of radical and often antisemitic non-governmental organizations (NGOs).