Lawfare and International Law

Lawfare is the exploitation of courts and international law to harass Israeli officials and corporations that do business with Israel and advance false charges of “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” and other alleged violations of international law.

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The NGOs and Funders Behind Airbnb’s BDS Policy

On November 19, 2018, Airbnb issued a press release announcing it was “removing listings” in “Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank.” This change in policy was a clear result of a coordinated and well-financed campaign targeting the company by NGOs involved in BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns against Israel.


Human Rights Watch on Violent Hamas Border Riot: Promoting Terrorist Propaganda at Expense of Human Rights

On April 3, 2018, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued an “analysis” of the March 30, 2018 events along the Israel-Gaza border. Like other HRW responses, this latest publication lacks credible methodology and manipulates the presentation of facts and law to advance a political narrative rather than engage in professional human rights research.


Westminster Debate on Detention of Palestinian Minors by Israeli Authorities – Promoting Impunity for the Weaponization of Children

Palestinian minors are involved in a wide range of offences including murder, attempted murder and illegal possession of weapons. Key contributing factors are incitement by the Palestinian Authority and recognized terror groups, recruiting of children to engage in conflict and the glorification of violence, and large monthly payments (that increase based on the severity of the crime) by the Palestinian Authority to prisoners and their families.


Military Court Watch: Inventing Legal Standards to Attack the IDF

Military Court Watch is an opaque organization that claims to work on issues related to ensuring children are protected under international law. In reality, MCW’s activities are part of a broader non-governmental organization (NGO) propaganda campaign that exploits concerns over children’s rights to demonize Israel. The NGO was founded and is led by Gerard Horton, who was previously involved with the Palestinian NGO Defense for Children International – Palestine, which promotes a similar agenda.


Addameer: The PFLP Network's Prisoner Advocacy Wing

The Palestinian non-governmental organization (NGO) Addameer published “The Israeli Military Court System.” This report claims to present a number of faults with the Israeli justice system in the West Bank and implies that Israeli courts do not have the right to prosecute Palestinians committing acts of terrorism. The report goes on to make a number of false legal claims regarding the implementation of law and the Israeli military courts in the West Bank – emblematic of the NGO’s contextually, factually, and legally misleading campaigns.


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