NGOs such as B’Tselem, Adalah, and Breaking the Silence receive massive amounts of funding from foreign governments, claiming to promote a human rights agenda in Israel. In reality, these groups focus on delegitimizing and demonizing Israel before international audiences, seeking to generate external pressure outside of Israel’s democratic framework.
While Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence claims to primarily address Israeli audiences, its lobbying and advocacy efforts are geared toward international audiences and contribute to the delegitimization of Israel.
B’Tselem and HaMoked published a joint report, “Unprotected: The Detention of Palestinian Teenagers in East Jerusalem.” NGO Monitor’s initial analysis reveals that these NGOs are participating in a well-funded international campaign against Israel surrounding the issue of children’s rights. The publication also suffers from fundamental methodological flaws, highlighting the appropriation of human rights for political objectives.
The violent events in the unrecognized village of Umm Al-Hiran highlight the way in which NGOs intensify conflict between the Bedouin community and the State of Israel, all while being financially backed by European governments.
Sabeel Colorado, a branch of the pro-BDS NGO Sabeel, is currently promoting its upcoming trip to Israel, which will meet with several Israeli NGOs.
Analysis of NIF grants to 25 political advocacy NGOs active in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
In the context of the current debate over the proposed "Transparency Law," it is important to note a number of developments taking place in European parliaments, relating to their funding of Israeli NGOs.
Israeli NGO Zochrot will host a conference on the "Right of Return" of Palestinian refugees, funded by and including speakers from anti-Israel NGOs, many of which are funded by European governments, church-based foundations, and the New Israel Fund.
B´Tselem and HaMoked´s report alleging "Abuse and Torture" at an Israeli prison is based solely on "testimonies" from terrorists and suspected terrorists, coincides with the forthcoming UN Committee Against Torture review of Israel.