Campaigns of Demonization

As part of the “Durban Strategy” to isolate Israel, NGOs level accusations of systematic Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights. The NGO allegations are characterized by factual and legal distortions, in pursuit of an anti-human rights agenda.

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UN-NGO Collaboration: The Ongoing Demonization of Israel

On June 8-10, 2009, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People held a conference in Jakarta, Indonesia. The program represented the Palestinian political agenda, and was a platform for the demonization of Israel. Speakers were from highly politicized NGOs, including Miftah and Ir Amim, and all represented a narrow section of the political spectrum. Miftah claimed suicide bombings [are] a symptom of a much bigger problem, and Ir Amim contributed to the anti-Israel exercise. Another NGO discussed the Palestinian struggle against Israels occupation, ethnic cleansing and institutionalized apartheid over 61 years.


Betrayed by Silence: NGOs ignore Gilad Shalit's rights

Gilad Shalit is not a high priority for human rights NGOs. There is no evidence that NGOs have undertaken sustained campaigns in support of Shalits rights. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have made only infrequent references to Shalit, always in the context of condemning Israel for "war crimes," "wanton destruction," and "collective punishment." Most Israeli groups have published only one or two statements in support of Shalit.


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