Campaigns of Demonization

As part of the “Durban Strategy” to isolate Israel, NGOs level accusations of systematic Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights. The NGO allegations are characterized by factual and legal distortions, in pursuit of an anti-human rights agenda.

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NGO Involvement in the Gaza Boat Flotilla

Charities, NGOs, and other groups claiming human rights and humanitarian aid goals have been deeply involved in the demonization of Israel. The Free Gaza Flotilla highlights this faade of morality exploited for this political warfare.


Israeli Apartheid Week 2010: NGO Involvement

Israeli Apartheid Week (March 1-14, 2010), held in universities and major cities in the US, Canada, and Europe, will feature speakers from NGOs: Adalah (funded by NIF and EU), AIC (Sweden and Christian Aid), PCHR (EU, Oxfam NOVIB, OSI, Christian Aid), Addameer, Badil. A video by Breaking the Silence will be screened in Connecticut. Israeli Apartheid Week is endorsed by Canadian Arab Federation, Independent Jewish Voices, CODEPINK, Adalah-NY, and others.


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