ReliefWeb (UN OCHA): Israeli UN Ambassador describes Rights Council as morally bankrupt, ReliefWeb carries this story
The UN-based and funded ReliefWeb reported November 6, 2007 on the speech of Israeli UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman to the UN’s Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural), in which Gillerman described the commission as a “moral bankruptcy” and detailed “numerous shortcomings of the dysfunctional Commission on Human Rights continued in the new Human Rights Council…real burning situations were not reflected in Council deliberations, which focused primarily on Israel, subjecting it to three special sessions and 12 discriminatory resolutions.” (The full-text of Ambassador Gillerman’s remarks can be viewed here.)
The inclusion of this statement is to be noted as a welcome precedent, especially given ReliefWeb’s problematic track record, as NGO Monitor has previously reported, ReliefWeb works closely with the NGO network to promote their reports, agendas and campaigns under the guise of humanitarian aid and human rights. This service claims to have 70,000 subscribers, and its website is used by many more.