Press Releases

Press Room > Press Releases

Showing 61-70 of 395

European Governments Reevaluating Funding for Palestinian NGOs

Following research from NGO Monitor and criticism from Israeli government officials, a number of European governments announced a reevaluation of their support for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Most recently, this week, the Danish Foreign Minister launched a review funding to Palestinian NGOs.

Denmark to Allocate Another $8 million to Radical Anti-Peace NGOs

The Danish government will announce an additional $8.3 million to the IHL Secretariat, a joint funding mechanism that distributes a large portion of its budget as core funding to radical Palestinian NGOs that incite violence and terrorism, are active in BDS campaigns, and engage in legal warfare against Israel.


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How European Taxpayers are Funding Incitement to Violence

A new report documents a highly disturbing pattern of European government funding to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that legitimize violent attacks against civilians and incite violence. As highlighted by Jerusalem-based research institute NGO Monitor, the messages propagated by these organizations directly contradict the foreign policy goals of their funders, and resonate in a global context of rising populism that rewards extremism, fear-mongering, and incitement.

Swedish Government Funds Latest BDS Initiative in France

As shown by NGO Monitor research, a report published today by a coalition of French and Palestinian pro-BDS organizations that calls on the French government to “pressure” French financial institutions to divest from Israeli banks, communication, insurance, and utility companies, is funded by the Swedish government.


Statement in Response to the National Service Law

NGO Monitor reiterates its long-held opposition to restrictive legislative approaches following the passing of a law revoking national-service positions in organizations that receive the majority of their funding from foreign governments.

Showing 61-70 of 395