Press Releases

Press Room > Press Releases

Showing 41-50 of 395

NGO Gaza Reporting and the Issue of Credibility and Bias

In light of the violent events related to the “Return March” on the Gaza-Israel border, NGO Monitor notes the need for careful and independent analysis of claims and allegations made by organizations claiming to promote human rights

Statement on UN Blacklist Delay

NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Al Haq, have been advocating for a discriminatory blacklist for many years to advance a BDS agenda. However, this does nothing to further human rights, and the UN should not devote further resources to this charade.


NGO Monitor Statement to Danish Foreign Affairs Committee

On January 31, 2018, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament will hold a consultation (Samrådsspørgsmål) asking the Foreign Minister to explain why the government has decided to amend its guidelines for support of Palestinian and Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs). According to the terms of reference of the consultation, opposition members of the Parliament will question the role that Israeli authorities and NGO Monitor played in this decision.


NGO Monitor Statement on Remand of Ahed Tamimi and NGO Campaigns

Today the Israeli Military Court ordered the continued remand of Ahed Tamimi pending her trial. Tamimi was indicted on multiple counts of assault of law enforcement officers, slingshotting stones, and incitement to commit suicide attacks. Since her arrest, NGOs claiming to promote human rights have been calling for her release, primarily on the basis of her age as well as the political motivations surrounding the incidents.


Showing 41-50 of 395