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NGO Monitor Responds to EU Geographic Guidelines on Relations with Israel
The new EU guidelines are evidence of the influence of political NGOs - some funded by the EU - on the EU's policies. On occasion we have seen the EU rely on political NGOs' reports without checking their veracity. The practical results are worrisome and reflect a faulty and one-sided agenda.
NGO Monitor Response to Knesset Initiatives on Non-Governmental Organizations
Legislative proposals that go beyond transparency and suggest distinctions based on political motivations and ideology are polarizing, not enforceable, and damage Israels vital national interests.
Speaking Out about Breaking the Silence
Breaking the Silence uses the money it receives from European governments, largely through secret processes, for ideological campaigns outside of Israel. And their allegations ignore the complex moral dilemmas facing IDF soldiers every day.
Report: U.S. Government Funding for Mideast Political NGOs Undermines U.S. Policy
A report presented to Members of Congress today by NGO Monitor shows that U.S. Government funding of several political NGOs in the Palestinian Authority and Israel contradicts U.S. policy, has a negative impact on the peace process, and lacks the independent oversight necessary to prevent abuses.