Press Release:
NGO Monitor Response to Knesset Initiatives on Non-Governmental Organizations
Transparency and accountability for powerful non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are essential parts of the Israeli democratic discourse and policy debate.
However, as NGO Monitor has repeatedly stated, legislative proposals that go beyond transparency and suggest distinctions based on political motivations and ideology are polarizing, not enforceable, and damage Israel’s vital national interests.
While NGO political warfare against Israel – including lawfare, BDS (the boycott, divestment and sanctions), Holocaust denial, false allegations of “war crimes” and other forms of delegitimization – are core threats, defeating this warfare requires a carefully designed and realistic strategy. This strategy must be based on detailed information and analysis, NGO funding transparency, diplomacy that confronts European governments and other enablers, and informed public debate on the substantive issues. Elected representatives in the Knesset can and should contribute centrally to implementing this strategy.