Press Release:
NGO Monitor Responds to Quakers and Radical Jews Anti-Israel Summer Boot Camp
Jerusalem – This weekend the Jewish Voice for Peace and the Quakers’ American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) will launch the “BDS Summer Institute,” a five-day indoctrination session in Stony Point, NY to train college students to stage divisive and discriminatory BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) events on campus as part of the political warfare strategy against Israel adopted at the 2001 Durban NGO Forum.
The AFSC website refers to a five-day “intensive program for campus BDS organizers – those with campaigns already running and those hoping to get one launched in the 2013-2014 school year.” Their training session to demonize Israel is set to take place beginning July 28 at the Presbyterian Church’s Stony Point Center, in Stony Point, New York. JVP and AFSC ran a similar BDS boot-camp in 2012.
As documented in an in-depth NGO Monitor report (July 2013), JVP is a U.S.-based advocacy organization views itself as the “Jewish wing” of the Palestinian solidarity movement. As such, JVP consistently partners with anti-Israel groups and works toward driving “a wedge” within the Jewish community on behalf of that movement.
“During the last academic year, BDS activists in the U.S. and Canada introduced numerous resolutions in student governments, particularly in California. These resolutions disrupted campuses around North America, causing tensions between students,” said Yitzhak Santis, Chief Programs Officer for NGO Monitor.
The American Friends Service Committee also supports the BDS campaign against Israel and has partnered with JVP in other anti-Israel efforts on college campuses, and in divestment campaigns against corporations doing business with or in Israel.
“Like all BDS activities, this BDS Summer Institute is promoting the notion that the Jewish people does not have the right to national sovereign equality,” said Santis.
For more details, see “Anti-Israel summer camp gets underway: Burgers, Boating and BDS.”