Release Date: September 6, 2007

Following the inclusion of NGO Monitor’s analysis in the Human Rights Watch Report, Prof. Gerald Steinberg, Executive Director of NGO Monitor commented:

"This latest attack on Israel’s actions during the Second Lebanon War comes as no surprise.  It follows a clear pattern by Human Rights Watch (HRW), which has sought to create a moral equivalence between the deliberate targeting of civilians by a terrorist organization and the efforts of a democratic country to defend itself.

"Despite their own admission in this report that Hezbollah fired from the vicinity of UN outposts on an almost daily basis, HRW has defied logic in failing to condemn this systematic use of human shields.

"Predictably, HRW also fails to take the opportunity in this report to demand the release of kidnapped servicemen Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, who remain captive in Hezbollah’s hands.  To this day, they continue to be denied access to the outside world, in contravention of all
human rights standards.

"It is serious shortcomings such as this which expose the moral bankruptcy of an organization which purports to uphold a truly universal standard of human rights."




ENDS ————  

Editors Notes:

NGO Monitor was founded to promote transparency, critical analysis and debate on the political role of human rights organizations.  For more information, see our website at

Other recent publications and reports by NGO Monitor include:

NGO Monitor’s Executive Director is Prof. Gerald Steinberg.


For further information, comment or interviews, contact Jason Pearlman +972 (0) 526-328-795

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