Press Release:
BDS Leaders Continued to Receive NIF Funding in 2010
Contrary to NIF Denials, Coalition of Women for Peace received $36,503 last year
JERUSALEM – In contradiction to multiple public statements, the New Israel Fund’s (NIF) 2010 Financial Statement shows that NIF continued to fund the Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP) – a leader in the global boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement. The financial statement reveals that in 2010, NIF authorized an additional $20,130 for CWP and disbursed $36,503 to CWP. $6,000 remains to be disbursed in 2011.
“The revelation about NIF’s continued funding to CWP reinforces core questions regarding NIF’s credibility, commitment to guidelines, and flow of information within the organization and to donors,” says Prof. Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. “NIF officials tried to explain this discrepancy as the result of donor directed funding, but their financial statements do not distinguish between direct and donor advised grants. NIF has full responsibility – morally, legally, and financially – for the 2010 $36,503 disbursement to CWP.”
In May 2011, NGO Monitor revealed that NIF channeled money to CWP – a leading NGO in the BDS campaigns – between 2009 and 2011, NIF denials to the contrary. NIF responded with obfuscations and a flood of uncivil rhetoric, including the libel that “NGO Monitor knowingly published false information.”
“In the latest list of grantees, NIF confirms that funding continued for NGOs that lead in BDS and other elements of the delegitmization campaign against Israel,” adds Steinberg. “Adalah and Mada al-Carmel – two NGOs that have used ‘apartheid’ rhetoric and called for a ‘change in the definition of the State of Israel from a Jewish state’ – also received funding in 2010.”