Hind Rajab Foundation
Launched in September 2024, the Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF) “focus[es] on research, documentation, and the collection of evidence on war crimes and human rights violations.”
Launched in September 2024, the Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF) “focus[es] on research, documentation, and the collection of evidence on war crimes and human rights violations.”
Broederlijk Delen funds a number of NGOs that are highly active in the global political warfare campaigns against Israel, including Adalah, Gisha, Zochrot, Badil, Coalition of Women for Peace, HaMoked, Breaking the Silence, Defense for Children International-Palestine, and Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling.
Overview of Belgium government funding for Israeli NGOs, including details provided by the Belgian embassy in Tel Aviv about grants to Yesh Din, Shatil (NIF), Combatants for Peace, PCATI, Peres Center, Peace Now.
Access Now is active in campaigns against what it calls Meta “censorship” and “Israel's Digital Occupation.”
Palestina Solidariteit works as an “independent volunteer movement that fights for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people on the basis of the implementation of UN resolution, International law, respect for human rights and democracy, and for a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
UPJB is a Belgian Jewish organization that regularly engages in politicized activities, including supporting BDS campaigns against Israel.
Viva Salud is a Belgian organization that supports BDS and other anti-Israel campaigns, including through funding Palestinian NGOs with ties to the PFLP terrorist organization.
Intal claims that the organization “stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their battle against the occupation and for the right of return.”
Association Belgo-Palestinienne (ABP) is active in discriminatory BDS campaigns against Israel and regularly accuses Israel of committing “apartheid,” calling for “the end of the occupation.”