NGOs in Glass Houses...
Over the years, NGO Monitor has seen NGOs do some pretty crazy stuff with their EU and European government money (promoting slogans like, “We are all Hezbollah, we are all Hamas”; organizing campaigns “to expose the lies of AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League and to expose the Jewish and Zionist community’s double standards”; and parroting legal opinions of the PLO). Yesterday’s statement, “Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Organisations Release Joint Fact Sheet Calling for an End to International Donor Complicity in Israeli Violations of International Law,” issued by EU- and European- funded NGOs PCHR, Al Haq, Badil, Al Mezan, Ittijah, ICAHD, PCATI, Gisha, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, ranks right up there. The missive calls on European taxpayers to demand that European governments hold Israel “accountable” for the use of the $4.5 billion in international reconstruction aid pledged to the Palestinian Authority. Funny that these organizations make no mention of Hamas commandeering of international aid for its terrorist activities, nor do they call on Fatah to properly use and account for the money rather than squirrel it away in their private bank accounts (How again did Suha Arafat end up with her billions?). NGO Monitor would like to issue its own call to EU taxpayers that they “exert pressure on their governments . . . to ensure that their money is no longer wasted” on spurious NGO campaigns that foment the conflict rather than bring the region closer to peace.