NGO Monitor submits report to UN Gaza commission of inquiry
Given the heavy dependence by the UN Inquiry on the Gaza War on NGO reports and testimonies, NGO Monitor submitted a report to the commission led by Judge Richard Goldstone. NGO Monitor provided fact sheets on the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW). NGO Monitor’s report provides context to the NGO reports detailing their politicized and disproportionate coverage of the Gaza War which, among other things, minimize or ignore completely Hamas’ use of human shields.
See NGO Monitor’s Submission to the Human Rights Council Inquiry on the Gaza War, Led by Judge Richard Goldstone, NGO Monitor, June 9, 2009.
See also NGOs dominate Gaza fact-finding commissions, Anne Herzberg, Jerusalem Post, June 08, 2009