NGO Statements on the April 18 Jerusalem Bus Bombing
On April 18, 2016, a terrorist attempted a mass murder of civilians, detonating an explosive device on a Jerusalem public bus. Over 20 Israelis were wounded. Yet, several NGOs and NGO officials tweeted statements that do not condemn the attack, but rather blame the victims instead of the perpetrator. These messages promote a narrative of Palestinian victimhood, in which atrocities committed by Palestinians are always framed as being in response to Israeli occupation, instead of condemned outright as violations of human rights.
Additionally, a number of Israeli, Palestinian, and international NGOs that are regularly critical of Israeli policy, particularly of any Israeli use of force, were noticeably silent in response to the bus bombing.
NGO Statements (emphasis added)
Electronic Intifada-Ali Abunimah- Executive Director
- (April 18 Tweet) “If occupier claim this was a bomb is substantiated it proves oppression and occupation can never bring security.”
Human Rights Watch (HRW)- Kenneth Roth- Executive Director
- (April 19 Tweet) “Bombing Jerusalem bus–clear criminal act–is no way to end the abuse in occupied Palestine.” Human Rights Watch retweeted this statement.
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)
- (April 18 Tweet) “Sympathy to those hurt in today’s bus bombing in Jerusalem. More than ever we work for a future without violence by addressing root causes.”
The following NGOs are just a sample of the many Israeli, Palestinian and international political NGOs that did not make any statement regarding the attack, as of April 19, 4:20 PM Jerusalem local time: Al-Haq, Al-Mezan, Amnesty International, B’Tselem, Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP), and Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR).