Members of the ICJ conclude their visit to Israel, Palestinian Territories, issue preliminary report regarding 'anti-Terrorism activities'
The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), as documented by NGO Monitor, has taken a very biased position towards the Israeli-Arab conflict that distorts the core values of universal human rights. This report has yet to be assessed in full, but the following press summary indicates continuing bias that focuses blame and recommendations primarily and disproportionately on Israel.
Excerpts from the press release:
"..The visit was facilitated by the Association for the Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) and Al-Haq. The panel members wish to express their sincere gratitude for their generous support…
…in addition to international humanitarian law (laws of war), human rights law also applies to Israel and the occupied Territories, and is especially relevant in a situation of prolonged occupation…under international law states have the right and duty to protect those subject to its jurisdiction from terrorist acts. In this regard, the panel underlines the principle that the targeting of civilians not directly participating in hostilities is never permissible under any international law…
…All actions taken to quell terrorist violence must be in accordance with the rule of law. In this regard the panel is concerned about possible proposals to curtail the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Israel in response to its decisions relating to terrorism…The panel welcomes in this regard the non-extension of the emergency decrees by the Palestinian authorities, which had transferred jurisdiction from civil to military courts, and the report that no civilian was tried before military courts during the emergency…
…The members of the panel were deeply concerned at the severe impact of the closure of Gaza on the exercise of the most basic rights of its residents. Moreover, the members of the panel, who also personally visited parts of the separation wall, were struck by its extraordinarily negative impact on the every day lives of the inhabitants in the occupied Palestinian Territories. This is further compounded by a disruptive system of check points, permits and other restrictions. The panel underlines the need to avoid measures which could lead to an exacerbation of tensions, alienation and violence."
To view the full press release click here.