Letter to the editor in response to Dan Izenberg, "Rights group: Israel ruining economy in Gaza Strip"
Giving a free ride to the Palestinians
Sir, – Gisha’s work in promoting freedom of movement for Palestinians may reflect a genuine concern for Palestinian rights. However, as NGO Monitor’s detailed analyses have shown, this mandate is often distorted to promote a one-sided political agenda and inaccurate presentations of the conflict. There is a palpable neglect of the thousands of Kassam rocket attacks on southern Israel, and of the mass turmoil caused by intra-Palestinian fighting.
Instead, Gisha lays the blame squarely on Israel. Claims that "Israel still occupies Gaza" and that it has "adopted a policy of collective punishment‚" at best reflect a politicized viewpoint.
As a human rights organization, Gisha has a responsibility to engage with the complexities, balancing Palestinian rights with protecting Israelis from terrorism and not simplifying the conflict so that Palestinians are excused of all responsibility ("Rights group: Israeli policy ruining what’s left of Gaza economy," July 4).
NGO Monitor
in response to article – Dan Izenberg, Rights group: Israel ruining economy in Gaza Strip, The Jerusalem Post, July 4, 2007