Letter to Jerusalem Post in response to Oped by Jessica Montel, Executive Director of BTselem, "Palestinian civilians as political currency"
Letter to Jerusalem Post in response to Oped by Jessica Montel, Executive Director of B’Tselem, "Palestinian civilians as political currency", December 4, 2007.
Jessica Montell is big on Israel’s responsibilities towards Gaza’s population and totally silent on the responsibilities of Gaza’s Hamas government, both to Palestinian civilians whose health requirements they are now required to meet and to Israelis in the Negev whom they have no business attacking. If she concentrated her message and efforts on the perpetrators of terrorism, it would be perfectly obvious that were the most pressing issue on the Annapolis agenda the humanitarian situation in Gaza as she states (something on which I beg to differ), the solution would lie with the Hamas and nobody else. That would be facing realityresponsibly.
Peter Simpson.