Letter to the Editor of the Embassy News
Click to view this letter published in The Hill Times.
Dear Editor,
The article by Ardi Imseis, “Trudeau and Israel/Palestine: Paragon of progressives or much ado about nothing?” (6 April), is less a critique of the Trudeau government, and more an embrace of immoral political warfare against Israel. He promotes anti-peace BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaigns and defends the appointment of Michael Lynk as the UN’s Special Rapporteur on “human rights in the Palestinian Territories” – a euphemism for Israel bashing.
BDS is the opposite of the values hailed by the author. Its objectives include the demand to end the “occupation and colonialization of all Arab lands” – code for the elimination of the state of Israel regardless of borders. Masked in liberal language, this goal undermines the fundamental right of the Jewish people to self-determination. It directly contradicts values such as academic freedom and freedom of expression, by restricting openness and tolerance. This is why not only Canada, but also the US, Germany, Britain and France oppose BDS warfare.
Likewise, the Canadian government is right to condemn Michael Lynk’s well-established record of anti-Israel activities. His biased writings and statements have made it clear his appointment by the UN is politically motivated, not professional.
While Imseis would clearly prefer an antagonistic foreign policy, one that reflects the objectives of political advocacy non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Canada should not abandon its allies – or its values.
Professor Gerald Steinberg,