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Editor of The Lancet Prof. Richard Horton Speaks at Rambam Hospital – October 2, 2014.


I need, very honestly, to set the record straight with you.  First I deeply, deeply regret the completely unnecessary polarization that publication of the letter by Paola Manduca caused.

Irrespective of our intentions, which I am very happy to discuss, this outcome was definitely not my intention.

Second, and contrary to some incomplete accounts of a conversation with a journalist that I had recently, I was personally horrified at the offensive video that was forwarded by two of the authors of that letter.  The world view expressed in that video is abhorrent and must be condemned and I condemn it.


I have made that view, my view, very clear directly to those two individuals.

Third, I will be publishing what I just said in The Lancet next week.


Let me add, The Lancet is, always was and under my leadership always will be one hundred percent open, indeed more than that, welcoming of research and works submitted to us from colleagues and friends in Israel.


Video of Prof. Richard Horton’s Speech