Key Issue:The NGO Campaign to Exploit Children’s Rights
A number of Palestinian, Israeli, and international pro-BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) NGOs are behind a concerted effort to falsely accuse the IDF of violating the rights of Palestinian minors in order to impose sanctions against Israel. Some of these NGOs also have confirmed or reported ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization, designated as such by the US, EU, Canada, and Israel.

Related Reports
- Variations in Reporting on Children and Armed Conflict
- UNICEF and its NGO Working Group: Failing Children
- No Way to Represent a Child: Defense for Children International – Palestine’s Distortions of the Israeli Justice System
- The Origins of “No Way to Treat a Child”
- The NGOs that Wrote McCollum’s Legislation on Children’s Rights
- Initial Analysis of B’Tselem/HaMoked Report on Children’s Detention in Jerusalem
- Watchlist: Human Rights Watch Leads Effort to Promote Impunity for Palestinian Terrorists
- The European-Funded NGO PFLP Network
- Congressional Propaganda Campaign Exploits Palestinian Children
- Addameer: The PFLP’s Network’s Prisoner Advocacy Wing
- Letter to UN Sec-Gen Regarding 2015 Report on Children and Armed Conflict
- BDS in the Pews: European, US, and Canadian Government Funding Behind Anti-Israel Activism in Mainline Churches
- Al Jazeera Joins the Anti-Israel Child Campaign
- Human Rights Watch Op-ed Repeats False and Distorted Claims on Palestinian Minors to Support Proposed BDS Legislation
- Military Court Watch: Inventing Legal Standards to Attack the IDF
- Singling Out Israel While Whitewashing Terrorism: Watchlist’s 2018 Policy Note