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Key Issue:NGO Links to Terror Groups
- Examples of German Funding to Palestinian NGOs: Terror Ties and ICC Lobbying, Februarys 28, 2021
- World Bank Funding to Palestinian NGOs with Ties to Terror, February 4, 2021
- DCI-P’s New Board: Celebrating Terrorists, January 11, 2021
- Dutch-funded expansion of Palestinian control in Area C of the West Bank, December 16, 2020
- France and Germany award the director of a terror-tied Palestinian NGO, December 10, 2020
- Belgian Funding for PFLP-Linked NGOs, November 22, 2020
- Al-Mezan’s ICC Conference: Sponsored by the UN, Headlined by Terror, November 8, 2020
- Analysis of EU Funding to NGOs in 2019: Divisive Politics, Terror links, and Antisemitism, October 21, 2020
- PFLP: Arrested NGO Official is a “Hero” and a “Commander”, September 1, 2020
- EU grants to NGOs in Jerusalem: “Protect the Palestinian identity of the city”, August 21, 2020
- Analysis of UAWC’s Response to the Dutch Funding Freeze over Terror Links, July 28, 2020
- Video Evidence Highlights Links between Palestinian NGOs and the PFLP Terror Group, July 26, 2020
- Dutch Diplomats and PFLP-Tied UAWC Officials (PHOTO), July 26, 2020
- Dutch Gov’t Halts Funds to NGO Linked to Terrorists, July 22, 2020
- EU Funding to Terror-Linked Palestinian NGOs Since 2011, June 11, 2020
- Belgium Reverses Invitation of DCI-P Official for UN Security Council Briefing – Background on Speaker and DCI-P’s PFLP Ties, February 24, 2020
- Terror-linked NGOs Behind UN Blacklist, February 13, 2020
- Terror-linked and boycott promoting NGOs behind potential ICC investigation, December 24, 2019
- Current and Former NGO Employees Arrested as Part of PFLP-Terror Cell, December 19, 2019
- NGO Officials Alleged Terror Activities, Arrests, and Affiliations, October 3, 2019
- French Government Supports Youth Project Involving Convicted PFLP member – Update, July 7, 2019
- Visa, Mastercard, and American Express shut down online credit card donations for terror-linked NGOs, May 10, 2018
- European Parliament to Host Terror-Linked NGO, July 6, 2017