Key Issue:Goldstone and NGOs
NGO Statements to UNHRC debate on Goldstone
- Moving Beyond the Goldstone Report, Joe Stork, Al Sijjil, November 9, 2009
- On Israel, Congress Tolerates Abuse, Fred Abrahams, Huffington Post, November 4, 2009
- UN: Endorse Goldstone Report, HRW, November 3, 2009
- Middle East Human Rights Groups Call on the General Assembly to Adopt the Goldstone Report, HRW, November 3, 2009
- UN: Endorse Goldstone Report, HRW, Nov 3, 2009
- Middle East Human Rights Groups Call on the General Assembly to Adopt the Goldstone Report, HRW, November 3, 2009
- General Assembly: Support Goldstone Recommendations on Gaza, HRW, November 2, 2009
- US: Congress Should Reject Impunity for Israel and Hamas, HRW, November 2, 2009
- Hamas: Investigate Attacks on Israeli Civilians, HRW, October 20, 2009
- Obama administration should endorse Goldstone report at UN Security Council, Joe Stork, the Jurist, October 12, 2009
- Nobel Spotlights Need for Obama to Act on Rights, HRW, October 9, 2009
- UN: US Block on Goldstone Report Must Not Defer Justice, HRW, October 2, 2009
- On the Goldstone report, Singapore, free trade, aircraft air, BRICs, Ken Roth, The Economist, October 1, 2009
- Why No Justice in Gaza? Israel Is Different, and so …, HRW, October 1, 2009
- UN: US, EU Undermine Justice for Gaza Conflict, HRW, September 30, 2009
- Goldstone Report: Conference Call with Fred Abrahams and Jessica Montell, Fast for Gaza, September 30, 2009
- US: Endorse Goldstone Report on Gaza, HRW, September 27, 2009
- EU: Demand Justice for Victims of Gaza War, HRW, September 25, 2009
- Letter to European Union Foreign Ministers regarding the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, HRW, September 25, 2009
- Israel/Gaza: Implement Goldstone Recommendations on Gaza, HRW, September 16, 2009
- Any chance for justice for victims of the Gaza war?, Joe Stork, Al Sijjil, September 11, 2009
- Right of Reply: Don’t Smear the Messenger, Ken Roth, Jerusalem Post, August 25, 2009
- Letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown regarding Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, HRW, August 19, 2009
- Israel: Investigate ‘White Flag’ Shootings of Gaza Civilians, HRW, August 13, 2009
- Gaza/Israel: Hamas Rocket Attacks on Civilians Unlawful, HRW, August 6, 2009
- Israel: Misuse of Drones Killed Civilians in Gaza, HRW, June 30, 2009
- Human Rights: Canada Reigns Large No More, HRW, June 8, 2009
- Obama Mid-East Speech Supports Rights, Democracy, HRW, June 4, 2009
- Egypt/US: Obama Should Press Mubarak on Rights , HRW, June 2, 2009
- US: Ask Israel to Cooperate with Goldstone Inquiry, HRW, May 17, 2009
- Gaza: Pursuit of the Laws of War, HRW, May 8, 2009
- UN: Support Goldstone Investigation into Gaza War Violations, HRW, May 6, 2009
- Israel/Gaza: Israeli Military Investigation Not Credible, HRW, April 23, 2009
- Israel/Gaza: Cooperate With Goldstone Investigation, HRW, April 14, 2009
- UN vote on Goldstone report a defining step for accountability, Amnesty, November 6, 2009
- UN General Assembly must end war crimes whitewash, Amnesty International, November 3, 2009
- Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: Human Rights Council divisions must not obstruct Gaza accountability, Amnesty International, October 16, 2009
- UN must urge Israel and Palestinians to carry out Gaza investigations, Amnesty International, October 15, 2009
- Action, not words, needed from Foreign Affairs Committee on Gaza report, Amnesty Ireland, October 8, 2009
- Amnesty International Calls for UN Secretary General to Refer Goldstone Report on Gaza to UN Security Council for Action, Amnesty USA, October 2, 2009
- Israel leaves crucial questions unanswered as Goldstone report discussed at UN, Amnesty International, September 30, 2009
- Gaza: New letter to Miliband urges UK to fully support Goldstone report at United Nations, Amnesty UK, September 24, 2009
- Irene Khan urges US government to examine Goldstone report, Amnesty International, September 18, 2009
- Shooting the messenger (and everyone else): investigating war crimes in Gaza, Neil Durkin, Press Officer, Amnesty UK, September 16, 2009
- Justice Now Deters Future Crimes in Israel and Gaza, Amnesty USA, n.d.
- UN must ensure Goldstone inquiry recommendations are implemented, Amnesty International, September 15, 2009
- Israel-Gaza: Implementation of UN Fact finding mission recommendations crucial for justice, Amnesty International, September 15, 2009
- Israel/Occupied PalestinianTerritories:Impunity for war crimes in Gaza and southern Israel recipe for further civilian suffering, Amnesty International, July 2, 2009
- Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: UN Security Council must move from rhetoric to concrete measures for accountability and peace, Amnesty International, May 14, 2009
- Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: Israeli army probe lacks credibility and is no substitute for independent investigation, Amnesty International, April 23, 2009
- UN urged to ´find truth´ about Gaza conflict, Amnesty International, March 16, 2009
- Israel must investigate army’s conduct in Operation Cast Lead, B’Tselem, October 19, 2009
- A time for soul-searching, Jessica Montell, Jerusalem Post, October 1, 2009
- Goldstone Report: Conference Call with Fred Abrahams and Jessica Montell, Fast for Gaza, September 30, 2009
- Independent apparatus needed for investigation of Operation Cast Lead, B’Tselem, April 22, 2009
- Israel and the Palestinians must assist the UN mission investigating human rights violations during the fighting in Gaza, B’Tselem, April 6, 2009
Israeli and Palestinian NGOs
- Joint letter to Assistant Secretary of US State Department Michael Posner on the US State Department Annual Human Rights Report, ReliefWeb, December 1, 2009 SIGNED BY: Adalah, Al Dameer, Al Mezan, Badil, PCHR, Addameer, Al Haq, HRA, DCI-PS, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, CCR, Ittijah, etc.
- Palestinian and Israeli NGOs write to the EU on Goldstone, November 19, 2009 SIGNED BY: DCI-PS, PCATI, PHR-I, Al Dameer, Addameer, Al Mezan, Badil, Al Haq, etc.
- Letter for Euro states which voted in favour, November 17, 2009 SIGNED BY: Al-Dameer, Al Mezan, BADIL, DCI-PS, PCHR, PHR-I, PCATI, JLAC, WCLAC, HRA, Al Haq, Addameer, Adalah, etc.
- Request to implement Goldstone recommendations regarding investigation of law enforcement authorities’ handling of dissenters to military attack on Gaza (Hebrew), Adalah, November 5, 2009
- The Goldstone Report at the UN General Assembly: States Must Uphold International Law to Ensure Accountability for the Victims of War Crimes in Gaza, November 4, 2009
SIGNED BY: Adalah, Addameer, Al Dameer, Al-Haq, Al Mezan, Arab Association for Human Rights, Badil, DCI-PS, , PCHR, etc. - Israeli groups call for Gaza war investigation, JTA, November 3, 2009
- General Assembly Must Vote To Fight Impunity and Uphold the Rule of Law, PCHR, November 3, 2009
- Joint Letter: Re: The Goldstone Report – Time for Action, letter to Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, October 21, 2009 SIGNED BY: DCI-PS, Al Mezan, Nord-Sud XXI, Al Haq, Addameer, Al Dameer, Badil
- Ensuring the Implementation of Human Rights Council Resolution on the Goldstone Report: PCHR Director Addresses EMHRN Meeting in Madrid, PCHR, October 18, 2009
- Al Mezan Commends HRC Endorsement of Goldstone Report Recommendations; Calls for Ensuring the Rule of Law and Accountability, Al Mezan, October 17, 2009
- PCHR Welcomes Hamas Decision to Investigate Allegations of War Crimes, Comply With Goldstone Report, PCHR, October 16, 2009
- PCHR Director Attends 12th Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Meeting of International Commission of Jurist’s Executive Committee, and Meets with ICC Prosecutor and Palestinian Minister of Justice (Ramallah), PCHR, October 15, 2009
- Calling for HRC Special Session to endorse Goldstone recommendations, SIGNED BY: Adalah, Adameer, Al-Dameer, Al-Haq, Arab Association for Human Rights, Al-Mezan, Badil, Defense for Children International – Palestine Section (DCI-PS), October 13, 2009
- Human Rights groups in Israel provide initial response to Goldstone Report, SIGNED BY: Association for Civil Rights in Israeli (ACRI), Adalah, Bimkom, B’Tselem, Gisha, HaMoked, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (PHR-I), Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) and Yesh Din, October 4, 2009
- Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Decision of Palestinian Leadership and International Pressure an Insult to the Victims, SIGNED BY: Adalah, Addameer, Al Dameer, Al Haq, Al Mezan, Arab Association for Human Rights, Badil, DCI-PS, Ittijah, Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) and others, October 3, 2009
- PCHR: Human Rights Council Must Endorse Findings and Recommendations of Goldstone Enquiry, PCHR, September 29, 2009
- URGENT APPEAL: The Goldstone Report – An end to impunity?, DCI-PS, September 26, 2009
- The PHR-Israel Stand upon the release of the Goldstone Commission report, PHR-I, September 19, 2009
- Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Support Work and Recommendations of UN Fact Finding Mission: Demand Effective Judicial Redress and the Protection of Victims’ Rights, SIGNED BY: Adalah, Addameer, Al-Dameer, Al-Haq, Al-Mezan, Arab Association for Human Rights, DCI-Palestine, PCHR, and others, September 16, 2009
- Israeli Human Rights Groups Respond to Goldstone Report, SIGNED BY: ACRI, Adalah, Bimkom, B’Tselem, Gisha, HaMoked, PHR-I, PCATI, and Yesh Din, September 15, 2009
- Briefing provided to the EU ahead of the release of the Goldstone Report, PHR-I, HaMoked, B’Tselem, September 3, 2009
- Submission of Human Rights Organizations based in Israel to the Goldstone Inquiry Delegation, SIGNED BY: ACRI, Gisha, PCATI, HaMoked, Adalah, PHR-I, n.d.
- Israeli Human Rights organizations respond to UN Report on Gaza, SIGNED BY ACRI, B’Tselem, Gisha, PHR-I, Yesh Din, PCATI, Bimkom and HaMoked, May 5, 2009