JVP chief lacking credibility
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To the Editor:
Jewish Voice for Peace national director Rebecca Vilkomerson is disingenuous in her letter “Half Truths on BDS movement.” Her claim that she was tricked into conducting the interview with the American Free Press lacks credibility. Her letter omits that she had given another interview to this radical right-wing website 18 months earlier.
In the Aug. 4 interview with AFP host David Gahary, which Ken Stern rightfully criticized, both Vilkomerson and Gahary acknowledged a previous AFP interview they did on April 14, 2010. Gahary said, “Rebecca, we spoke maybe about a year-and-a-half ago …” She replied how JVP has “… grown substantially since the last time we spoke, Dave.”
American Free Press was founded by Holocaust denier Willis Carto, who has said that “Hitler’s defeat was the defeat of Europe. And of America …” Perhaps Vilkomerson, JVP and JTA’s readers should consider the whole truth: What is it about JVP’s eagerness to serve as token Jews for anti-Israel boycotts, divestment and sanctions that the good ol’ boys at AFP find so appealing.
Yitzhak Santis
Chief Programs Officer
NGO Monitor
Jerusalem, Israel