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"An Israeli-Arab advocacy center is going on the offensive against what it sees as potentially harmful policies that the new government may espouse. Jafar Farah, director of the Haifa-based Mossawa Center, said he and former Labor MK Nadia Hilou had met with six German MPs on Thursday to discuss the Arab community’s concerns vis-a-vis the government. In recent weeks, Farah has met with 13 ambassadors, including those from Britain, Belgium, Poland and Sweden, to discuss the same issues. And on April 19, he will leave for a 10-day trip to the United States, where he hopes to meet with members of US President Barack Obama’s administration, Congressmen and representatives of Jewish and Arab-American organizations. "We don’t have big hopes for this government. We feel that this new government will – at least, part of it – be targeting the Arab community and will… complicate the Middle East conflict with confrontations between Jews and Arabs," Farah said. He fears that the new right-wing government might try to infringe on the rights of the Arab minority, and engage in incitement as well as in "house demolitions and other policies that may affect badly the relationship between Arabs and Jews."" "Deputy Minister for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee Ayoub Kara, a Druse from the Likud, also defended the new government’s position regarding minorities. "Mossawa is a political organization, political people stand behind it, with all due respect, they have learned to damage the Right… [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu said unequivocally that he continues the same line as the previous government when it comes to peace.""