With Christmas Upon Us, 'Tis the Season to Bash Israel
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Click here to NGO Monitor’s report, ‘Tis the Season 2013: How Anti-Israel NGOs Manipulate Christmas.
…But that was tame compared to some of the tidbits that appear in the NGO Monitor report, titled “Tis the Season 2013: How Anti-Israel NGOs manipulate Christmas.”
According to the report, “As in previous years, NGOs and well-known charities are exploiting the 2013 Christmas season with political warfare against Israel. Groups such as Christian Aid (UK), Sabeel, War on Want (UK), Amos Trust, Israel Committee Against House Demolitions, and Adalah-NY are again using theological themes to advance immoral anti-Israel campaigns, boycotts (BDS), and, in some cases, anti-Semitism.”
According to the report, “The abuse of Christmas messages is part of a broad international campaign to introduce political warfare against Israel into churches.”
The report points out that many of these NGOs are funded by European governments.
Yitzhak Santis, head of NGO Monitor’s new BDS in the Pews project that examines church-based NGO involvement in political campaigns against Israel, said that this type of material is distributed to the mainline churches to “enhance efforts in the churches to bringing boycott and divestment resolution to votes.” Often, he said, there are “obsessive and single-issue focused activists” in the churches who make sure the material is distributed.