What follows Richard Goldstone's reversal?
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"But what now? There is a fleet of nongovernmental organizations that has used the Goldstone report for fodder in the campaign to delegitimize the Jewish state. Will these groups recant? ( J Street helped pen Goldstone’s defense and showed him around Capitol Hill, so it seems that group has a special obligation to recant its role in popularizing the Goldstone libel.) Professor Gerald Steinberg, whose group NGO Monitor has exposed the agenda and biases of purported human rights groups, explained in a written statement: Goldstone’s reversal is further evidence of the central role played by Human Rights Watch (HRW) in the exploitation of human rights and in promoting the bogus conclusions of the Goldstone Report. . . .HRW has been at the forefront of demonization and distortions since the infamous 2001 Durban conference, and used its influence to promote Goldstone, who was on HRW’s board. The leaders of this organization’s Middle East division have a long history of involvement in hard-core anti-Israel advocacy. This immoral behavior led HRW’s founder, Robert Bernstein, to denounce his own organization, presaging Richard Goldstone’s reconsideration. Israeli NGOs funded by European governments and the New Israel Fund have also played a central role in advancing the one-sided agenda of repressive regimes at the Human Rights Council. These groups have continued to lobby at the U.S. Congress, European Parliament, and the Knesset. Goldstone’s Washington Post article has exposed these campaigns as nothing more than anti-Israel propaganda."