War Crimes or Political Warfare?
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"The offensive is led by the NGO superpowers – Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Oxfam – with help from a network of smaller Israeli and Palestinian organizations. This NGO war machine, funded largely by European governments, honed its Israel-bashing strategy at the 2001 U.N. Durban Conference, through the myth of the Jenin “massacre,” in 2002, and in the 2006 Second Lebanon War. In contrast, until very recently, the Israeli government defenses were fragmented and lacked any coherent strategy to defeat this sustained attack. The Gaza offensive has taken the confrontation further, with the U.N.’s Goldstone Commission and Israeli NGOs using soldiers’ allegations of war crimes joining the fray. Setting up an inquiry, under the auspices of the U.N. Human Rights Council, led by human rights stalwarts such as Libya and Iran, was a central aim of the NGO network during the Gaza battles. Amnesty and HRW issued a stream of condemnations alleging “disproportionate force,” “collective punishment,” “deliberate attacks against civilians” and demands for “independent investigations.” In parallel, the NGOs largely ignored Palestinian aggression and war crimes. Like Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas turned much of Gaza into a large human shield, launching rockets from schools, mosques and houses, and ensuring that legitimate Israeli counter-attacks would kill numerous Palestinians. But Amnesty’s reports ignore this issue. Incredibly, its “Middle East expert,” Donatella Rovera, explained that this was because she received no complaints from Palestinians living under Hamas rule. This says volumes about the NGOs’ “research methodology.”"