UK NGOs use Christmas to attack Israel
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Click here to read NGO Monitor’s report, "Hijacked by hated": British NGOs use Christmas for anti-Israel attacks."
"In time for Christmas, several British NGOs have returned to past theological offensives against Israel by combining emphasis on Bethlehem, stories of Palestinian suffering, and false allegations of Israeli cruelty, NGO Monitor said in a report issued Tuesday. Through Christmas cards, carols and charity fund-raising, War on Want, Amos Trust, Pax Christi and others condemn the West Bank security barrier and ignore the Palestinian terror campaign that necessitates it, according to the report." "Israeli government sources said the work of these NGOs – some of which include Jews and Israeli citizens – crosses the line of legitimate criticism and feeds into efforts to delegitimize Israel. The problem, the sources said, is that these NGOs create ‘a certain atmosphere that infiltrates into the policy-making circles and in that way influences policy.’ There is concern in Jerusalem that policy-makers look at the actions of these NGOs and conclude that they represent a substantial part of public opinion, something that could erode support for Israel at the governmental level. The officials said Israel’s supporters in the United Kingdom needed to speak out more clearly against this type of Israel-bashing, and not leave it to the embassy to respond."