Ron Weiser and the New Israel Fund
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"However in the last decade there is evidence that in terms of some of its grantees, it had lost its way as it strayed from its social and welfare activities." "It seems clear on past evidence that some NIF grantees such as Adalah, the Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP) and the Sheik Jarrah Solidarity Movement (SJSM) to name but a few, cross some or all of the above red lines. NIF grantees such as SJSM also call for the JNF and the Jewish Agency to be dissolved or fundamentally changed. On the 6th of April this year the CWP called for Goldstone to retract his “retraction”. The Divestment website relied upon for its boycott list by Marrickville Council, calls for support by donations via NIF and is listed by NIF on its website as a grantee. Adalah co-authored a report presented to the European Union in February this year which urged the EU to ‘Condition the upgrade of its relations with Israel, including any new bilateral agreement, on tangible improvements in the human rights situation in the OPT and in Israel’ According to NGO Monitor,NIF grantees the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Adalah, Bimkom, Gisha, HaMoked, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I), Public Committee against Torture in Israel (PCATI), and Yesh Din submitted a written statement to the Goldstone Commission on June 30, 2009. That statement says NGO Monitor, included the following “offer our own distinct perspective – human rights violations for which Israel must be held accountable.” Alleged “violations” include “a deliberate new strategy for the ‘disproportionate use of firepower,’” “deliberately and knowingly shelling civilian institutions and rescue services,” and holding prisoners in “harsh, inhuman and degrading conditions.”"