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"The protest is part of the worldwide BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement that NGO Monitor, an Israeli organization that keeps track of BDS campaigns, has labeled “anti-Semitic, immoral and anti-peace.” The group leading Tuesday’s protest, Jewish Voice for Peace, said it demonstrated outside the company’s meeting and in 19 other cities in the U.S., including at TIAA-CREF’s office here." "NGO Monitor said the activists behind these efforts “deny the Jewish people the right of national self-determination.” “By singling out Israel and using double standards, BDS undermines and is the antithesis of universal human rights values” and “collectively punishes Israelis and supporters,” it said. “Boycotts are the antithesis of dialogue, cooperation and developing peaceful ties between Israelis and Palestinians. … BDS campaigns that single out Israel explicitly violate the European Union Working Definition of anti-Semitism.”"