[Opinion] Pavlovian obsession: Human Rights Watch targets Ariel Sharon
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Like vultures circling a carcass, the leaders of New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) prepared yet another attack against Ariel Sharon. Within hours of his death on Jan.11, HRW proved that their Pavlovian obsession has not waned, publishing a press release that again highlighted this organization’s double standards and irresponsible disregard of both facts and international law. Sharon, as HRW’s stand-in for all issues related to Israel, was accused of every conceivable “war crime” and violation, while the history of mass terror and other forms of Arab and Palestinian brutality was erased. Once again, the radical ideologues and immoral Israel-bashers who control HRW demonstrated that in their eyes, Israelis are sub-human and therefore have no human rights.
In 2009, the founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert Bernstein, highlighted the moral failures of his own organization, particularly in ignoring the systematic abuses of Middle Eastern regimes. Bernstein also referred to HRW reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict “that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state.” Indeed, as the latest obsessive attack demonstrates, it is HRW itself that is leading this campaign, based on double standards and misinformation, to delegitimize Israel.