[Opinion] Oxfam's Middle East Blinders

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While Oxfam claims not to support the boycott movement targeting Israel — beyond bullying Johansson — its actions and funding for major pro-boycott groups do not square with its official line.
Oxfam’s role in this political war includes major funding provided by the Dutch and British branches of boycott organizations that lead attacks on Israeli firms. These groups are involved in numerous legal cases designed mainly for the advancement of political goals, that single out Israeli officials in the wider process of demonizing Israel.
Oxfam also distorts economic analyses of the West Bank and Gaza, repeatedly arguing that that the sole impediment to Palestinian development is Israeli policy, ignoring intra-Palestinian limitations and factors, as well as immoral mass-terror attacks. Similarly, Oxfam uses its power and access to lobby the European Union to sanction Israel.
[T]he criticism of Oxfam’s role in the anti-Israel boycott industry is clearly justified. An organization based on promoting moral principles cannot support and enable one-sided boycotts and double standards that demonize and single out Israel. To go beyond the rhetoric of “reducing poverty and addressing injustice,” and put these words into action, Oxfam must end its involvement in all forms of demonization, and win back Scarlett Johansson’s heart.