NIF-Funded Groups Organize Israel Apartheid Week Event
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"Last November, supporters of the New Israel Fund were justifiably outraged when they learned that NIF was funding groups involved with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. NIF later published its funding guidelines and stated that it would no longer finance groups that engage in BDS or that work “to deny the right of the Jewish people to sovereign self-determination within Israel.” So what’s it doing funding two groups that are organizing an “Israel Apartheid Event” at Tel Aviv University later this week?" "Two groups involved in the event, the Coalition of Women for Peace and the Mada al-Carmel, receive NIF funding. According to NGO Monitor, Mada al-Carmel co-authored the 2007 Haifa Declaration, which called for a “change in the definition of the State of Israel from a Jewish state,” and claims that Israel has exploited the Holocaust “at the expense of the Palestinian people.”"