NGOs dominate Gaza fact-finding commissions
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"There is not much hope regarding the one-sided Goldstone mission. Although he is a well-respected jurist, Goldstone sits on the board of Human Rights Watch, presenting a serious conflict of interest. HRW has issued many statements lobbying the international community and the Obama administration to force Israel to cooperate with this investigation. Goldstone also signed a letter prepared by Amnesty International (which has led the calls for an arms embargo against Israel) claiming to be "shocked to the core" by events in Gaza. Undoubtedly, HRW and Amnesty will submit the results of their own tainted "fact-finding" missions to Goldstone’s team. Given these connections, it is hard to imagine that such information will be treated with objectivity. With the Goldstone inquiry under way and mounting calls for "war crimes" trials and cases before the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, the international community should demand full transparency regarding NGO submissions, meetings and other involvement with these commissions. It is time that NGO claims are treated with the same scrutiny these organizations demand of Israel."